Thursday, February 3, 2011


So, we finished taping all of the interviews for our hope project, and they ended up suprising me a lot. Instead of everyone having disctinct answers, the answers that were given were very similar in nature. Most people, when asked to define hope, said that it was optimism, or the feeling that things can always get better.I thought for sure that people's backround and beliefs would alter their answers. It seems that hope is a universally definable word.
 What I found interesting, and slightly depressing, was that some people said that they didn't have hope for humanity. When asked, they replied that the shooting in Arizona that had happened just the week before had taken away their hope for humanity. I find this really sad; how can you have no hope for humanity? No hope that there's people out there that are good? No hope that people are trying to make a change? All I know is that if I didn't have any hope for humanity, things would be very bleak.
Okay, on to the video that we made. We ended up only making a preview sort of video because of a time crunch, but I think that it was pretty powerful. Like I said earlier, we taped people of all ages and backgrounds to learn their perspective on hope. I'll attach the video later, because the computer is being tempermental, but I think that we did a great job on it. Later, we'll hopefully be able to make a video that includes all of our interviews.

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