Sunday, November 28, 2010

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”-Albert Einstein

In class the other day, we read an article about Roger Ebert, the famous film critic ( The man who was once the opinionated film critic now speaks only through blue post-it notes and typed words on his Macbook Pro. The article chronicles Ebert's battle with cancer, and how every day is a struggle. After countless surgeries, Ebert's lower jaw has been removed and he has lost his ability to speak; blue post-it notes and his Macbook Pro being his only means of communication. Even though Ebert can no longer speak lovingly to his wife, sit to watch the movies he loves, and tell the world his opinion on films, he has a constant smile on his face.

Why is it that this man was able to keep hope alive through everything that he's been through? After his first surgery why didn't he give up? After his second? His third?  After his best friend died of cancer, how did Ebert keep his will to live? Ebert should be an example to everyone, he never gave up even when the darkness had nearly suffocated him.

This article taught me that you have to appreciate each and every day that you have. Ebert didn't know when he would be speaking his last word, or drinking his last cup of coffee. He didn't know when he'd eat his last ice cream cone have his last spoken  discussion on a movie. You really never know when something bad can happen, so you have to enjoy everything that life brings your way.

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”-Oscar Wilde

When I heard that our second unit of the year was, Hope and the Human Spirit, the first thing I thought was Wow, that's a really broad topic. I mean, everyone has experienced hope at some point in their life, hope that Santa Clause came during the night to give you presents, hope that the teacher will be absent so that the test that was scheduled would be postponed a day, hope that you will be the one chosed for that big promotion. If you can find one person that has never experienced hope in their entire life, then they have to be the ablsolute most morbidly depressed person on the face of this earth, and they deserve your sympathy. What is the world without hope?

Then, as I thought more about hope I realized that in difficult situations it's hard to find hope. What kept the Jews in the concentration camps from just giving up and letting their body fail them? What if Martin Luther King Jr. had just accepted his lot as a second class citizen because of the color of his skin? What if those with terminal illnesses just let the disease ravage their body without a fight on their part? In some extraordinary cases people experience hope where others would only experience fear. These people are amazing, and should be commended. I feel that this unit was created to recognize those who pushed through their extremely bad circumstances using hope, and to try to understand why they were able to do so.

Friday, November 19, 2010

You Say Goodbye, But I Say Hello!

Hey there! My name is Lauren, and I'm a Junior at Northern Burlington Regional High School. I play field hockey, and I am one of the biggest Harry Potter nerds in the universe. As I'm writing this, I'm waiting to board a plane to Orlando, where I'll be visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! I live for music, and you'll always see me walking around listening to my I-Pod.

I'm writing this blog for an assignment that I recieved in my Gifted and Talented Class. Our second unit is on Hope and the Human Spirit, I know some pretty heavy stuff. I really hope to grow from this assignment and to learn more about my fellow human beings. This blog will show you my journey to discover just what hope means, and why the human spirit is so strong.