Why is it that this man was able to keep hope alive through everything that he's been through? After his first surgery why didn't he give up? After his second? His third? After his best friend died of cancer, how did Ebert keep his will to live? Ebert should be an example to everyone, he never gave up even when the darkness had nearly suffocated him.
This article taught me that you have to appreciate each and every day that you have. Ebert didn't know when he would be speaking his last word, or drinking his last cup of coffee. He didn't know when he'd eat his last ice cream cone have his last spoken discussion on a movie. You really never know when something bad can happen, so you have to enjoy everything that life brings your way.
Lauren this is really well written, I can tell you put time into it. Also, I can tell how interested you were in this article because of your second paragraph.